Health and Safety Distance Learning

certficate in health and safetyMeet your Health & Safety training requirements with the Anntara Management Ltd - Certificate in Health and Safety Distance Learning course from only £20.00 per single delegate

The Certificate in Health and Safety Distance Learning course is a 48 page, full colour training pack, written in a user friendly plain English format to prepare candidates for a Health & Safety examination. The course includes information on legislation and enforcement, safety signs, noise, electricity, COSHH, first aid, causes of accidents, hazards in the workplace, fire, risk assessments and safe systems of work and much more.

certficate in health and safetyThe Certificate in Health and Safety Distance Learning course has the following benefits:

Distance Learning Health and Safety

Contact Anntara Management Ltd for further details on

T 07831 512 528

certficate in health and safety
T 07831 512528